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Translational Thoracic Oncology Laboratory

Assoc. Prof. Balázs Döme, MD, PhD

Head of the research group

Tel.: +43 1 40 400 73742  

Anna Spiegel Forschungsgebäude
Lazarettgasse 14 / Ebene 5 / Lab 6
A-1090 Wien


Mag. Karin Schelch, PhD, MAS

Head of the laboratory

Tel.: +43 1 40 400 73530  


Research focus

The Translational Thoracic Oncology Laboratory (TTOL) was established through a collaboration between the Department of Thoracic Surgery and the Institute of Cancer Research, starting in mid-2008, with the effort to facilitate and promote translational research in the field of thoracic oncology.

Through in-depth understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development and progression of thoracic malignancies, the goal is to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of thoracic cancer patients. The laboratory is particularly interested in the preclinical development of novel therapeutic strategies and targeted therapeutics. Ultimately, since the beginning of 2010, a large-scaled biobank is available as a basis for research activites.