Vienna Toronto Lung Transplant Academy

Our courses have been continously drawing international interest and participation. Since 2012, more than 300 colleagues from over 30 countries worldwide have attended these courses. You can find below feedbacks and impressions from our participants attending our most recent courses. Furthermore, you can click here to see some selected photos of previous courses.
Feedback from recent participants
Michael Martin BACCAY, Philippines
"Thank you to the LuTX faculty and staff! We learned a lot and look forward to setting up our lung transplant program following your example. A safe trip home to all colleagues. Take care!"
Niren BHAVSAR, India
"It was an excellent academy and we learned almost everything about the LuTx. Thanks to Dr Lang and all the faculties for being so kind. Special thanks to Panja for super coordination and be there when needed. It was great fun to be with all the participant colleagues and looking forward to long term association. You all are welcome to India. Thanks & regards."
Ruari Lee, Philippines
"We might be a bit biased, but since everything was new to us (as we are only about to start our own lung transplant program at home), this was a very excellent and worth-it experience. We even learned from our fellow participants. I would definitely love to go back again to be updated (and hopefully be able to share our experience) once our own transplant program is already ongoing. Thank you so much!! Let*s meet again! :-)"
Macé SCHUURMANNS, Switzerland
"Having worked already a few years in the field of lung transplantation gave me the small advantage of knowing some of the complexities and pitfalls of a lung transplant program. Despite this, I learnt a lot and really appreciated all components of this course. I would summarize the experience as follows:
This intensive interactive course covering all important theoretical and practical aspects of lung transplantation allows the participants to interact with the key role players from two leading and pioneering high-volume centers. Besides very well prepared and comprehensive talks by many team members from Vienna and Toronto (partly using advanced video-conferencing technology in the context of COVID-19), the ward rounds, case discussions, experiencing of live procedures in the operating room and additional hands-on training for surgeons (in the wet lab) including ECMO use, made it a very worthwhile learning experience. For surgeons, anesthesiologists and pulmonologists starting a lung transplant program it seems to me the ideal starting point, since it also draws attention to the more complex lung transplant candidates and procedures which should be avoided in the first years. The format and the efforts to share their vast experience from all teams involved were exceptional and having two dinners in typical restaurants of Vienna made the faculty even more approachable for coming years of professional knowledge exchange. Congratulations to Vienna and Toronto for putting together such a fantastic program!"